Criminal Defense
We are the advocates you need when facing criminal charges. We understand that even minor charges can result in major consequences in your life. Our legal team has the expertise to manage a range of criminal defense matters in state and federal court, such as:
Mail and wire and fraud;
Tax fraud and tax evasion;
Securities fraud;
Conspiracy to defraud the U.S. Government;
Money laundering and embezzlement;
Bank fraud;
Ineligible possession of firearms;
Possession of a firearm in a restricted area;
Sexual assault;
Domestic assault;
Terroristic threats;
Aggravated or felony assault;
Possession of a controlled substance and paraphernalia;
DUI and driving while under the influence of a controlled substance;
Reckless and careless driving;
Identify theft;
Forgery; and
Financial transaction card fraud.
Some of our best defense work results in our clients avoiding legal charges altogether. ​In investigating potential crimes, law enforcement often contacts individuals to obtain facts or evidence. The subjects of these investigations may then agree to sit for an interview or make other statements that can later be used to form the basis for criminal charges against them. For this reason, retaining an attorney can be crucial at or even before the investigation stage. We have been able to limit or avoid charges altogether for clients who obtained our counsel early—at the first sign an investigation has begun—in cases ranging from tax and benefits fraud to criminal sexual conduct.
Representative Cases*
Federal and White-Collar Cases
Represented a young Somali-American man accused of making terroristic threats against federal judges and FBI agents on social media who faced a 10-year federal sentence if convicted. After a successful motion for a bill of particulars, we negotiated a favorable misdemeanor plea agreement for probation only.
Represented a businessman who had a substantial amount of funds seized by U.S. customs. After filing a petition for remission or mitigation of forfeiture, and after several months of negotiations, we obtained release of our client’s funds.
Represented through jury trial a senior vice president of a federally-insured bank against an extensive federal indictment that alleged 8 felony crimes against our client, including bank fraud. The District Court Judge dismissed 2 of the charges upon motion by Aaron Thom after the U.S. Government rested their case, and the remaining 6 charges were submitted to the jury. After 4 days of deliberation, the jury returned “not guilty” verdicts for each of the remaining charges, resulting in a complete victory for our client.
Represented a former employee of a St. Paul company in a white-collar criminal case. Our client was alleged to have committed transaction-card fraud and theft during the time that she was employed by the company. After we obtained discovery, investigated the allegations, and filed a motion to dismiss, the State voluntarily dismissed the case. We then sought indemnification from the company for our client’s attorneys’ fees pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 302A.521. The company resisted our client’s demand and filed counterclaims against our client. However, the indemnification claims were resolved in a favorable confidential settlement.
​State Cases
Represented a young man charged with domestic abuse by strangulation. After extensive motion practice, we obtained dismissal of all charges with prejudice prior to trial.
Obtained a sentence of only probation for a mother with prior convictions charged with identity theft and stolen property charges that carried a potential 20-year prison sentence.
Represented an individual charged with 2 counts of possession of a firearm by an ineligible person, each charge carrying a potential 15-year prison sentence. After months of negotiation, and after presenting a straight plea to the Court, we obtained a sentence of only probation for our client.
​Represented the owner of a restaurant who was charged with allegedly allowing a minor employed by the restaurant to serve alcohol to an undercover police officer. We obtained a dismissal of the charge. We also assisted the owner in mitigating potentially harmful consequence to his business and ensured that the business was able to retain its license.
Obtained a continuance for dismissal for a non-citizen charged with giving a false name to a police officer and driving after cancellation.
Represented an individual with a substantial prior record who was charged with 8 counts of felony financial transaction card fraud, 1 count of felony identity theft, and 7 counts of misdemeanor theft. We negotiated a favorable plea with dismissal of all but three charges.
Represented a young professional charged with domestic assault. We obtained a continuance for dismissal that prevented any professional consequences.
Represented a professor charged with unlawful possession of firearms after being charged with a felony offense. Obtained dismissal of the charges and return of the 17+ firearms allegedly unlawfully possessed.
Obtained a probation-only sentence for an individual charged with drug possession who had pled guilty to the same offense several times in the past.
Represented an employer whose former employee sought a restraining order for alleged threats. After cross-examining the former employee, the judge granted our request to deny the petition for restraining order.
Represented numerous individuals charged with DUI and other similar reckless driving charges and we have obtained favorable results, including continuances for dismissal and probation-only sentences.
Expungements and Petitions for Reinstatement of Firearm Rights​
We also represent individuals who have overcome challenges and have refused to be defined and held down by a crime that they committed in their youth. While these individuals may have finished their education, found long-term employment, and come to enjoy a stable home-life, they still must live with the consequences of a past conviction—including the limitations of rights entailed by a conviction. We have represented individuals petitioning for restoration of their gun rights pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 609.165 and those seeking expungement of convictions.
​ *Each case is unique. Past results do not predict future outcomes.